Products for Professional Bakers
Products for Professional Bakers
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What a delight it is to offer a stone ground flour milled from wheat Central Milling grows exclusively in California: Yecora Rojo. This flour is milled on a simple single pass stone milling line and is not sifted. The flavor profile hovers between warm nuts and warm spice. The flour is about 14% protein and can easily handle hydration levels in the 100% range. 100% stone ground, 100% whole, 100% awesome.
14% Protein / 1.60 Ash
Non-GMO / Kosher Certified
Central Milling Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat
5LB / 50LB ITEM NO. O050308R / O500308
100% Stone Ground Whole Spelt Flour. Spelt — also known as Farro Grande or Einkorn & Emmer’s younger brother — grows tall and has a hull just like it’s older siblings. However, Spelt performs much better in bread baking applications. It develops a stronger gluten network that will give your spelt bread greater volume than Einkorn or Emmer. This flour is milled on a simple single pass stone milling line and is not sifted.
17.5% Protein / 1.60 Ash
Non-GMO / Kosher Certified
Central Milling
Organic Stone Ground Whole Spelt
5LB / 50LB ITEM NO. O053310R / O503310
100% Stone Ground Whole Dark Rye Flour. This is a superb option for recipes that call for dark rye flour or as an addition to 100% whole grain breads – both artisan and pan (sliced). It’s also a fantastic flour for sourdough starter due to the higher nutrient content. This flour is milled on a simple single pass stone milling line and is not sifted.
N/A Protein / 1.60 Ash
Non-GMO / Kosher Certified
Central Milling Organic Stone Ground Whole Rye
5LB / 50LB
ITEM NO. O054240R / O504240
This flour is both roller & hammer milled. Two milling methods are used to achieve a unique granulation and match a specific color and flavor profile. The combination of roller & hammer milling is not too common – thus the name: Special. This product is great for dense grainy breads, bread sticks, or any product that requires 100% whole grain on the sweeter side of the flavor spectrum.
13.5% Protein / 1.60 Ash
Non-GMO / Kosher Certified
Central Milling
Organic Whole Wheat Special
5LB / 50LB ITEM NO. O052180R / O502180
Flour & Grains
Flour & Grains
Mixes & Blends
Mixes & Blends
Salt, Sugar & Spice
Salt, Sugar & Spice
Fruit, Nuts & Seeds
Fruit, Nuts & Seeds
Yeast & Conditioners
Yeast & Conditioners
Dairy & Oils
Dairy & Oils
baking tools
baking tools